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Durham School Services

At Durham School Services, our number one priority is the safety of the students we transport and work tirelessly to ensure the peace of mind of those who have entrusted their children to us. Safety, above all, is the cornerstone on which we build everything; we are dedicated to ensuring children arrive to school safely and on-time so they can make the most of their school day…every day.
The Grass Valley School District does not charge for transportation.
The Durham Bus Barn is located at 10701 East Bennett Street in Grass Valley California. Bus Barn hours are Monday through Friday 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Contact Durham Transportation at (530)- 273-7282.
The Grass Valley School District does not charge for transportation.
The Durham Bus Barn is located at 10701 East Bennett Street in Grass Valley California. Bus Barn hours are Monday through Friday 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Contact Durham Transportation at (530)- 273-7282.