GVSD Spanish Dual Immersion Program

What is Dual Immersion?
What is Dual Immersion?

academic subjects like reading and math are taught to all students through both English and Spanish. Students help each other speak, read, write, and understand one another’s language. Classes are composed of a balance of English speakers and Spanish speakers. Language arts, math, science and social studies is taught primarily in Spanish in grades K-1. There is a gradual increase in English instruction until a 50:50 balance is reached in 5th grade. Spanish speakers build a strong base in Spanish and are more successful as they learn English. English speakers have maximum exposure to Spanish.
What are the Benefits for my child?
What are the Benefits for my child?

Children in dual immersion programs become bilingual and bi-literate; they learn to read, write, and speak in two languages. Additionally, they are more aware of their own and other cultures. The earlier a child is introduced to a second language, the greater the chances that the child will become truly proficient in the language. Bilingual students also perform better than monolingual students on tasks that call for divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.Students typically attain fluency in the second language by sixth grade.
What does the research say about Dual Language learning?
What does the research say about Dual Language learning?
*English-speaking students enrolled in dual immersion (DI) programs often outscore English-speaking students who are not enrolled in dual immersion programs on standardized math and language arts tests.
*Spanish-speaking students enrolled in DI programs experience more long-term educational gains than students in other bilingual or ESL programs.
*People who are bilingual are more efficient at multitasking.
*Dual Language students develop more positive attitudes toward themselves as learners.
*Dual Immersion helps students excel in their native language, whether it is Spanish or English!
DI Parent Meeting Agenda- English
DI Parent Meeting Agenda- English
Agenda de le reunión de padres de DI
Agenda de le reunión de padres de DI
Resources/ Recursos
Resources/ Recursos
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